Tuesday 20 January 2015

Never understood..

I never understood
why I would walk around with a mask
called a smile
and pretend to be fine
while I visibly was not

I never understood
why my chest would get so heavy
with emotions
that I could not breathe
or leave my bed for days upon days

I never understood
why my image in the mirror
would be so haunting
that I would cry
when my mom would remind me
it was just a reflection
that was distorted

I never understood
why my physical pain
would be easier to cope with
than the emotional damage
I had endured

I never understood
why the demons in my head
would tell me to do such unthinkable things
to myself on a regular basis

I never understood
why I was never good enough for myself
no matter
what I would change to better myself.

I never understood
why I wouldn't let myself believe
I had a problem
when I so desperately needed help

I don't understand
why I was so ashamed of something
that wasn't my fault
but I do understand
it has been a few years
and things get easier.

I understand
that without everything I felt,
I wouldn't be
who I am today.

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