Tuesday 5 February 2019


I think 
what if
there wasn't 
any rib caged
muscular tissue 
inside our chest.
How we would have felt 
something like happiness
something like sadness
something like anger
something like fear
something like love.
The whole idea of these emotions 
would be a lie.

And what if
this rib caged structure
only felt love and happiness.
Maybe, the whole world
would be at peace.

Friday 1 February 2019

Falling again..

I'm falling in love again
but I had told myself never again.
But I let myself slip again
her beautiful eyes 
make it impossible to refrain
and I'm falling in love again.
It's early again 
and I'm scared again.
I'm smiling and happy again
she makes me feel human again.
I think she's the one again
and this time I think I'm right.
Early days still
but I'm starting to adore
the beautiful face of hers.
Alone at night, 
thoughts of her
drive me insane.
I'm falling in love again.

New Year

As the new year arrives  it brings a lot of opportunities for us to live our lives   as we dream of. So let us start this beautiful year wit...