Sunday, 30 June 2013


"""If Sum1 really waits 4u,

It doesn't mean he has nothing else 2 do,

Its just mean dat nothing else is More
important Than u in dis world!"""
A relationship is like a rose,
How long it lasts, no one knows;
Love can erase an awful past,
Love can be yours, you'll see at last;
To feel that love, it makes you sigh;
To have it leave, you'd rather die;
You hope you've found that special rose,
Cause you love and care for the one you chose.
""Wen I think about u sweetie
My heart beats fastly..
not bcoz i miss u..
but only bcoz, u stay in my heart &
every heart-beat shows wen u r in it i m still alive."""


Sit down for a moment
Let your mind relax
Day dream a bit
Drift off into another world, another time
Let go

Pick up a pen
Find a piece of paper to catch your words
Spill what comes from your heart
Give your words space to breathe
A moment to come alive

The page will catch anything you throw at it
No judgment will be given
Only love soaking in each letter
Breathe easy knowing you can say anything
Yes anything

The page is your savior
Calling you home
Letting you be you
In all your beauty, faults, and goodness
Sink deeply into this moment


""Take my eyes but let me see U...
Take my mind but let me Think about U...
Take my Hand but let me Touch U...
But don't try to take my Heart
coz its already with U..""


""" Love is strong yet delicate
It can be broken
To truly love is to understand this
To be in love is to respect this """
By the time the right person arrives, love would have lost all its charm

Jurassic Park 4 - Trailer

The Avengers 2 Official Trailer (*Leaked*) HD

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Stop expecting anything from anyone, every little thing will seem as a sweet surprise to you and you will feel good unusually.
Sit down for a moment
Let your mind relax
Day dream a bit
Drift off into another world, another time
Let go

Pick up a pen
Find a piece of paper to catch your words
Spill what comes from your heart
Give your words space to breathe
A moment to come alive

The page will catch anything you throw at it
No judgment will be given
Only love soaking in each letter
Breathe easy knowing you can say anything
Yes anything

The page is your savior
Calling you home
Letting you be you
In all your beauty, faults, and goodness
Sink deeply into this moment


Sit down for a moment
Let your mind relax
Day dream a bit
Drift off into another world, another time
Let go

Pick up a pen
Find a piece of paper to catch your words
Spill what comes from your heart
Give your words space to breathe
A moment to come alive

The page will catch anything you throw at it
No judgment will be given
Only love soaking in each letter
Breathe easy knowing you can say anything
Yes anything

The page is your savior
Calling you home
Letting you be you
In all your beauty, faults, and goodness
Sink deeply into this moment

New Year

As the new year arrives  it brings a lot of opportunities for us to live our lives   as we dream of. So let us start this beautiful year wit...